Quietly, slowly, more rad

It's been a long time between posts and a lot has happened. Unfortunately you can't really tell by looking, here's a breakdown:

  • Wiring tidied up and dash ready to be finally bolted in

  • Combination switch (indicators, etc), switched… back to the Liberty version

    • This was good 'cos we got to redo all the crappy wiring we did the first time

  • Added steering angle sensor to match

  • Replaced steering column with gd WRX version (liberty one don't fit, this one did with a little work)

  • Mounted Impreza charcoal canister in the engine bay

  • Mounted fuel pressure regulator and filter (off a Mazda 626)

  • Mounted the power steering reservoir

Most importantly though, we cycled through four radiators and found one that might not be too small but isn't to big.

Now to mount and plumb in this radiator and fans.

Then phase 1 is done!