Holy crap this thing is actually running and driving OK. Now we are going to have to get serious about the error messages, flashing warnings and check engine light.
The first issue is the most obvious: "ER SS" showing on the odometer. The internet says this is most likely an ABS sensor fault, which is a concern because it may mean that the Impreza ABS sensors are not compatible with the Liberty ECU.
Or it could be because I forgot to wire in the rear ABS sensors... yep, that was it. Sorted.
Next we have the flashing "Sport" mode light which relates to a transmission fault (which I annoyingly didn't catch in the first image). We're not surprised about this error since we don't have an auto transmission for the TCU to talk to. This one requires an ECU reflash which goes like this:
- Buy Tactrix OpenPort cable
- Download ECUFlash, configs and standard Liberty H6 manual ROM
- Backup the existing ROM
- Flash the manual ROM (panicking slightly because this could really screw things up)
- Be confused because nothing has changed
- Recheck codes and find that it is still throwing transmission errors
- Unplug TCU and retry
- High five, no more TCU codes!
- Do a double take because the check engine light is off too!
- Beer
All that remains is a tricky little ABS light which may clear itself once we get it up to speed. Apparently these might not show up through OBD2 readers so we'll keep looking at other options.
(I'd love to show you a picture of the cluster with only the abs light, but I forgot step 11: unplug the battery before you go to the pub so that it doesn't go flat in between workshop sessions.)